

The Strava Starred Segment Explorer is designed to show, on a map, location and basic details of any segments starred in Strava

In order to see your starred segments you must link your Strava profile to this page - I only store your Strava location (city, country - if provided on Strava) and a unique ID provided by Strava - A Cookie is used to identify you on return visits.

If your Strava account is not linked you should see a message, click this which will confirm the link with your Strava profile and return you to this site.

Only your first 200 segments will be loaded, this is a hard coded limit to prevent too many requests to the Strava API

The data is all taken from the Strava API so i can't fix any inaccuracies please raise with Strava themselves.

If you have any issues please add a comment on my blog page


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Starred Segment Explorer

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Please Connect With Strava to see your starred segments.